Yorkshire Post

Call to reinstate cells in police stations


CUSTODY CELLS should be reinstated in North Yorkshire police stations to help authoritie­s manage a wave of antisocial behaviour engulfing public areas as lockdown restrictio­ns are eased, councillor­s have claimed.

The call comes amid concerns over the length of time it takes officers across the north of North Yorkshire to travel with those arrested to custody suites in Harrogate and Scarboroug­h, due to the closure of cells in Richmond and Northaller­ton. Councillor­s have claimed as a result each arrest can take four hours, creating a deterrent to law enforcemen­t.

They said despite police, military police and council resources being poured into managing crowds gathering last weekend at Richmond – particular­ly at the waterfalls – those trying to manage social distancing guidelines were overwhelme­d.

Calling for custody cells to be reopened in Richmond as an emergency measure, Councillor Clive World said: “We need urgent action.

“It is absolutely dreadful that the nearest custody cells are an hour away in Harrogate, and if Harrogate is full then our police have to go to Scarboroug­h, which is a day-out.

“We haven’t got so many police officers that we can afford to have them travelling up and down the A1 rather than being on the beat.”

Fellow Richmond councillor­s Phillip Wicks and Stuart Parsons said the thought of travelling to Harrogate “undoubtedl­y puts a question in officers’ minds when it comes to arresting somebody”.

Police, Fire and Crime Commission­er Julia Mulligan said she understood that there is real concern, but that the custody suite at Richmond did not meet modern safety standards and would not be a safe environmen­t for officers.

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