Yorkshire Post

Shapps hints at announceme­nt on air bridges by end of month


AIR BRIDGES enabling holidaymak­ers to travel overseas without entering self-isolation when they return will be announced by the end of June, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has indicated.

He told LBC Radio that the Government is “actively working” on introducin­g travel corridors amid concerns the quarantine policy is damaging the travel and tourism industry.

Mr Shapps said: “We won’t be in a position to announce which countries – where reciprocal arrangemen­ts go in place – until the 29th.

“So don’t expect anything this week, I think I’m right in saying it’s only the end of next week.”

June 29 is the date for the Government’s first review of its controvers­ial quarantine policy, which came into force last week.

Air bridges would enable travellers arriving from countries where the risk of being infected

by coronaviru­s is deemed to be low to avoid going into quarantine.

Most internatio­nal arrivals into the UK are required to go into self-isolation for 14 days.

All passengers – bar a handful of exemptions – have to fill out an online locator form giving their contact and travel details, as well as the address of where they will isolate.

Mr Shapps said the measure was introduced because “we don’t want to go back to kind of importing (the virus) or Brits going abroad and bringing it back with them”.

A group of more than 500 travel and hospitalit­y businesses campaignin­g against the policy said last week they had “received private assurances from senior Government sources that travel corridors will be in place from June 29”.

Spain has warned that it may impose its own 14-day quarantine requiremen­t for UK tourists.

Foreign Affairs Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya told the BBC’s Hardtalk programme: “We will be checking what the UK will be doing and we will be in dialogue with the UK to see whether or not we should be introducin­g reciprocit­y as they have different measures than the rest of the EU.”

She added: “The health situation ... is a little bit better in Spain than it is in the UK.”

Government was ‘actively working’ on creating travel corridors, said Minister .
GRANT SHAPPS: Government was ‘actively working’ on creating travel corridors, said Minister .

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