Yorkshire Post

Feeding time for three little mice creates magical camera moment


THIS IS the adorable moment three harvest mice were snapped sharing a stalk of wheat.

The cute pictures are among a set captured by photograph­er Andy Davey, 54, showing the rodents gripping precarious­ly on a stalk.

The thin stalk can be seen bending under the weight of the animals as they feed, which usually happens around dusk or dawn.

Harvest mice usually only grow to around 3in in length and with some weighing as little as a 2p coin.

The rodent is the only British mammal to have a prehensile tail, according to the Wildlife Trusts.

This means it can use its tail like a fifth limb, holding on to grass stems with it.

Harvest mice feast on a largely vegetarian diet, such as grains and seeds.

Mr Davey, from Devon, specialise­s in landscape photograph­y and macro photograph­y, where he takes pictures of small items such as wildlife.

He said: “I discovered I had an eye for a decent photograph about five years ago and since then I’ve not looked back.

“There’s nothing better than wandering around the beautiful countrysid­e and coasts.”

A spokesman for the Wildlife Trusts said: “The tiny harvest mouse lives in long tussocky grassland, reedbeds, hedgerows, farmland and around woodland edges.

“It is mainly vegetarian, eating seeds and fruits but it will also eat invertebra­tes.

“Harvest mice build a spherical nest of tightly woven grass high up in the tall grasses in which the female will give birth to up to six young.”

They are mainly found south of Yorkshire and can be seen all year round.

 ??  ?? SMALL WORLD: Three tiny wild harvest mice climb wheat stalks in Holt in Dorset. They were captured by photograph­er Andy Davey who specialise­s in landscape photograph­y and macro photograph­y, where he takes pictures of small items such as wildlife.
SMALL WORLD: Three tiny wild harvest mice climb wheat stalks in Holt in Dorset. They were captured by photograph­er Andy Davey who specialise­s in landscape photograph­y and macro photograph­y, where he takes pictures of small items such as wildlife.

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