Yorkshire Post

Restaurant’s illegal staff paid £2 an hour


TWO RESTAURANT­S have had their licences revoked after evidence that illegal workers were being paid as little as £2 an hour.

The Regency restaurant­s in Barbican Road and George Hudson Street, York, have had their licences withdrawn after York Council and North Yorkshire Police highlighte­d a string of incidents during the past few years.

They include 16 illegal workers being removed from the restaurant­s, the company being prosecuted for food hygiene breaches at one site and selling a knife to an underage person at another.

In the space of two and a half years – from April 2017 to September 2019 – 10 illegal workers were discovered at the Barbican Road site and a further six at the George Hudson Street premises.

Gary Grant, solicitor for the council, told a hearing, vulnerable people were being exploited. He said: “There is evidence in this case suggesting, for example, that the workers were paid no more than £2 or £3 an hour.

“For those vulnerable people they know they cannot go to the authoritie­s.

“It undercuts all the other lawabiding restaurate­urs in York, who have to pay the legal minimum wage.”

He also highlighte­d concerns over fire safety and an incident in which the owners were cautioned over the sale of a knife to a person under 18 in 2017.

But Riyaz Shaikh, solicitor representi­ng the owners of The Regency restaurant­s, said the incidents happened some time ago.

He said: “The appropriat­e authoritie­s could have prosecuted on a number of occasions. There has not been a single prosecutio­n for illegal workers at either of The Regency restaurant­s.

But councillor­s revoked the licence for both premises.

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