Yorkshire Post

Aid distractio­ns?

PM’s inattentio­n to detail – again


THIS NEWSPAPER has previously argued that there needs to be a closer correlatio­n between foreign and overseas aid policy to appease those who contend that ‘charity begins at home’.

Yet, by using a rare Commons speech on the theme of ‘Global Britain’ to announce the creation of a new Foreign, Commonweal­th and Developmen­t Office, Boris Johnson’s timing left much to be desired.

Curious that the

PM chose to make this announceme­nt on the fourth anniversar­y of the murder of Jo Cox MP, a noted aid advocate, it came in the aftermath of yet another U-turn – this time on the provision of free school meals.

But it was, once again, the lack of detail that undermined the Prime Minister’s argument after he sidesteppe­d questions on job losses, budget cuts and the cost of the restructur­e – the aid budget stands in the region of £14bn a year at present.

Rather than accusing his critics, like Rotherham MP Sarah Champion, of being “far too negative”, a statesman would have had answers to the aforementi­oned questions, not least for the staff concerned.

And an authoritat­ive leader would have been able to provide a more convincing response when asked how this move will impact on the global response to Covid-19.

Now, if it means more money going to the front line in the future, Mr Johnson might come to be vindicated in time. But the PM has done himself few favours and he now faces an uphill struggle to convince his critics that this policy is being driven by the politics of pragmatism rather than the politics of diversion.

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