Yorkshire Post

Innovative new pillow transforms lives

Inventor Alexander Miles explains how he came up with this unique product.


“ Like so many people I was desperate to find a pillow that kept its comfort and support all night. How many of us have bought pillow after pillow trying to find the right one, very few can put their hand up and say they found it, until now?” Alex’s search was all the more important as he was trying to help his daughter to recover after a horrific accident. “She just couldn’t get comfortabl­e while convalesci­ng and I’d purchased dozens of pillows none of which worked. I’d asked all my family and friends if they could recommend anything and everyone admitted to the same problem – it seemed that no-one had a pillow with which they were perfectly happy.”


Rather than give in, Alex, a furniture and product designer, decided to engineer his own solution, he takes up the story again: “All the pillows I’d bought spread out and flattened as the night progressed, the solution was to brace the pillow internally, pulling the sides together so that the pillow couldn’t flatten. Using cotton ties internally meant that the pillow would still be soft and comfortabl­e but that it would keep its plumped-up shape throughout the night. We now have internatio­nal patents on the pillow, the design is a world first”


All of a sudden Alex was in the pillow business! “People spend a fortune on expensive mattresses and luxury bedding but forget that a great night’s sleep starts with a great pillow, if your head, neck and shoulders are not comfortabl­e it doesn’t matter how good your mattress is. Since we launched the pillow the response has been incredible, the way the pillow cradles the head with perfect comfort and support really works for people.”


Actor Rula Lenska was an early convert, she emailed out of the blue to say: “It is rare that something advertised as unique and life changing turns out to be true!! I have a chronic back and neck situation and I can honestly say these pillows make a huge difference!! Comfortabl­e…supportive…and positively magical for my neck!! Congratula­tions! Many, many thanks.”


Harley Street Consultant and back pain specialist, Dr Deane Halfpenny also recommends Gx Pillows: “I can honestly say that your pillow has made the world of difference…and fully endorse your pillow as being quite unique in its ability to maintain support throughout the night.” This revolution­ary pillow, designed and manufactur­ed in the UK, has already helped tens of thousands of customers to sleep better. If you have spent a lifetime looking for the perfect pillow, your search may well be over!

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