Yorkshire Post

Pandemic has shown our leaders lack ability and intelligen­ce

- From: Michael Green, Baghill

IF the Covid- 19 pandemic has done one useful thing, it has shown up quite starkly the total lack of ability and intelligen­ce of those at the top whose job it is to make decisions that affect us all.

Even just looking at the front page of The Yorkshire Post on one day ( September 18), we read that people turned up for appointmen­ts at a Covid testing station in Sunderland, only to find that no facilities had been set up there. And then we also read that Baroness Dido Harding, the head of the testing programme, told a select committee that she didn’t realise that massive returns to work and to school might result in an increased demand for tests.

The latter, on its own, is surely enough to warrant her taking the title “Failing” from the incompeten­t but now by all accounts rather richer Chris Grayling – some achievemen­t!

I hope that when all this is over, we find a way of holding to account those who are happy to draw their considerab­le pay, but run like hell from their responsibi­lities.

From: Don Oliver, Fairhaven Green, Bradford.

PEOPLE are not following the rules. They don’t consider the seriousnes­s of Covid- 19.

The Government need to reverse their compulsory face covering rule. It doesn’t matter who will be put out, it needs to be done.

We have to stop being selfish and do as we are told. That is what will stop the virus.

Meanwhile we all have to be singing from the same hymn sheet. At the moment not everyone is, and they are well out of tune.

Eighty years ago, this country was fighting a war. If the government and the people then were doing what we are now, we wouldn’t have won. The people in the majority stood together and did what they were asked. Not today. We can only complain that our rights are being abused.

Test and trace is not causing the virus to spread. It is a lack of social distancing and not wearing face covering or wearing them properly. It needs to be made clear that everyone must comply with no exceptions.

From: Hilary Andrews, Nursery Lane, Leeds.

SURELY closing pubs early will only mean more drinking at home with alcohol readily available at supermarke­ts?

Wouldn’t it be more prudent to limit the amount of alcohol you can purchase at supermarke­ts and also the hours during which it can be sold?

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