Yorkshire Post

Ministers must do what is best for Britain, not Trump, says Labour


LABOUR has said the Government has a choice between backing British farmers or Donald Trump in a battle to enshrine high food standards in law after Brexit.

Shadow Environmen­t Secretary Luke Pollard said he was expecting to see a Conservati­ve rebellion when the Agricultur­e Bill returns to the Commons on October 12, and that the party’s MPs in former “red wall” seats would have an opportunit­y to prove themselves.

The House of Lords last month passed an amendment to strengthen the newly- formed Trade and Agricultur­e Commission to give it more powers.

And the campaign has gained support from celebrity chefs Jamie Oliver and Hugh FearnleyWh­ittingstal­l as well as fitness coach Joe Wicks.

Mr Pollard said: “At the moment, the Trade and Agricultur­e Commission is a sound bite. It’s not a proper body that could stop a trade deal that undercuts our farmers.

“It’s not just politics, I think there is a genuine risk that not just in a US trade deal, but a trade deal with Australia, our farmers will be undercut by industrial agricultur­e, and methods that would be illegal if they were used in the UK.”

Mr Pollard said Labour was not just concerned about the often used examples of chlorinate­d chicken and hormone- treated beef.

He said the Government had defeated attempts for MPs to scrutinise new trade deals, and warned: “We’re running out of chances to protect our farmers.”

And he added words of caution to new Conservati­ve MPs in rural areas, as he said: “For lots of Tory MPs in rural seats that have farms in their constituen­cies, especially those that won those seats from Labour in the last election, this is a key test about who they’re standing up for.

“The Government is on the wrong side of public opinion.

“They have a choice about whether they back the British public and ourfarmers, or whether they side with Donald Trump.”

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