Yorkshire Post

Duchess in plea to tackle loneliness

- ROBYN VINTER NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: robyn. vinter@ jpimedia. co. uk ■ Twitter: @ yorkshirep­ost

THE DUCHESS of Cornwall has urged people to tackle the “blight of loneliness” in older people, which has significan­tly worsened because of lockdown, as many older people in Yorkshire have become cut off from loved ones.

In a video message in support of Silver Sunday – the national day for older people – which takes place this weekend, Camilla called on the nation to ring a grandparen­t, send a card to a relative or host a virtual event to break the silence many face.

The Duchess, 73, warned that more than a million older people can go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.

Community First Yorkshire, a charity that aims to stop loneliness in many parts of the region, reported elderly people missing daily interactio­n and being able to get out of the house.

One elderly man in North Yorkshire said: “I want to be with people, rather than sit by myself.”

Camilla, a patron of a number of charities which support the elderly including the Royal Voluntary Service and The Silver Line, said Silver Sunday was more important than ever this year amid the ongoing fight against the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“Since 2012, the first Sunday of October has been Silver Sunday, the national day for older people,” the duchess said.

“It is a day that offers us all the opportunit­y to focus on older people’s contributi­ons to our communitie­s and to our society.”

She added: “This year will of course be very different, with most events taking place virtually, rather than in the flesh.

“Its aim is to tackle the blight of loneliness that affects so many, and which, very sadly, has increased significan­tly over the recent months of lockdown.

“More than a million older people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.”

The Duchess of Cornwall has previously backed The Yorkshire Post’s loneliness campaign, which has been running since 2014, and attracted praise from two Prime Ministers.

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