Yorkshire Post

University hit as 500 students and staff test positive


NEARLY 500 students and staff at the University of Sheffield have tested positive for coronaviru­s since the start of the autumn term last week.

Figures from the university’s Covid- 19 statistics web page show that 474 students and five members of staff were confirmed as having the virus on Sunday.

This figure has increased from a total of 20 new cases on Monday, September 28, when the new term began. The university, which is typically home to around 29,000 students and 8,000 staff members, has said it is providing “practical and emotional support” to all students who are having to self- isolate.

A spokesman said: “We recognise how difficult it is for students who are new to Sheffield and need to self- isolate because of Covid- 19 cases.

“To make sure we are supporting students in the best way possible, we will contact all students who are self- isolating to check on their welfare and offer practical and emotional support.

“We will also make sure that all students know how to access our mental health and wellbeing services while isolating.”

He added: “We are in regular contact with Sheffield City Council, Public Health England and other partners to make sure that we are sharing informatio­n about the local situation and responding to the latest guidance.”

Data published by Public Health England on Sunday night, following a technical error that left thousands of cases unreported, showed a sharp rise in cases in Sheffield – to 233.1 cases per 100,000 in the seven days up to October 1, up from 91.8 the week before.

Over the weekend, it was reported that more than 750 students were self- isolating at Northumbri­a University after testing positive for Covid- 19.

More than 50 institutio­ns have confirmed coronaviru­s cases in recent weeks, as thousands of students returned to campuses.

Parents or students at the University of Sheffield can contact covidstude­ntsupport@ sheffield. ac. uk for more informatio­n.

Universiti­es were warned yesterday that students who are selfisolat­ing amid Covid- 19 could be more vulnerable to tax scams.

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