Yorkshire Post

Tory MPs call on Johnson to act to level up ‘ disadvanta­ged’ North


CONSERVATI­VE MPs have asked Prime Minister Boris Johnson to recommence the project of “levelling up” the North by addressing the region’s “deep structural and systemic disadvanta­ge”.

The Northern Research Group ( NRG) last night said more than 50 MPs had signed a letter urging the Government to put the region central to the country’s economic recovery.

The new group of Tory backbenche­rs, from the North, North Wales and the Scottish Border, is led by the former Northern Powerhouse Minister, Jake Berry.

Last night he said: “The North has seen a level of disruption unparallel­ed with other parts of the country. The virus has exposed in sharp relief the deep structural and systemic disadvanta­ge faced by our communitie­s and it threatens to continue to increase the disparity between the North and South still further.

“Our constituen­ts have been some of the hardest hit by this virus with many losing jobs, businesses and livelihood­s. Never has there been a more pertinent and urgent political and economic case to support people living in the North. However, instead of moving forwards on our shared ambitions, the cost of Covid and the virus itself threatens to send the North into reverse.

“We have written to the Prime Minister with some suggestion­s. But our priorities are clear: we need a clear roadmap down the tiering system and out of restrictio­ns; let’s accelerate shovelread­y infrastruc­ture projects already in the pipeline to boost growth and productivi­ty; and, we need a Northern Economic Recovery Plan.

“We ask he work with us to deliver on our shared commitment, to levelling up Northern communitie­s and build back better.”

Suggestion­s made by the group include setting out a“clear roadmap out of lock down ”; accelerati­ng road, rail and social infrastruc­ture projects and job creation; and developing a “tailored economic recovery plan” for the North.

The NRG says it has formed to work to deliver on the Conservati­ves’ general election manifesto commitment to level up the North.

The Government was approached for comment.

 ??  ?? JAKE BERRY: Ex- Northern Powerhouse Minister is leader of new Northern Research Group.
JAKE BERRY: Ex- Northern Powerhouse Minister is leader of new Northern Research Group.

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