Yorkshire Post

They try to switch blame to parents

- From: Hannah Robinson, Burley in Wharfedale.

LAST Wednesday, Conservati­ve MPs rejected a Labour motion to extend free school meals over the school holidays until Easter 2021, to the poorest 1.4 million children in our society.

This is amid a pandemic which has left the UK with the highest death toll and deepest recession in Europe.

Despite the Government’s cruelty, Marcus Rashford harnessed the kindness of the public, with local organisati­ons stepping up to plug the gap.

But it should not come down to charity, particular­ly as these restaurant­s and businesses are already suffering the financial consequenc­es of the pandemic.

The UK has one of the least generous welfare states in Europe, and yet we are one of the largest economies.

So where is taxpayer’s money being spent?

Well, the Government has not exactly been tight- fisted during the pandemic. The free school meals would have cost the government £ 20m for each week, which is minimal compared to the £ 12bn which has been spent on a failing test and trace system – including a reputed £ 7,000 a day wage for consultant­s. Lucrative contracts are being dished out left right and centre.

Conservati­ve MP for Shipley Philip Davies was one of those voting down the motion.

His response to a 16- yearold constituen­t perhaps best demonstrat­ed the Conservati­ves attitude towards poorer people in society.

It is the responsibi­lity of parents and not the state’s. The implicatio­n is that parents are to blame when they are struggling.

Despite the Government failing in its response to the pandemic, leaving the country in the worst of both worlds economical­ly and health- wise, it is, he says, the parents who are to blame for losing their jobs and needing to feed their children.

It is the parents he blames for rates of child poverty increasing dramatical­ly under a Conservati­ve government. And it is the parents Mr Davies blames for cuts to a welfare system which would have prevented them falling through the gaps.

From: Coun Peter Gruen ( Lab), Shadwell, Leeds.

A FEW months ago very few of your readers will have heard of Marcus Rashford, a brilliant young footballer, who plays for Manchester United.

He would not have come anywhere near the top ten in the popularity stakes in Leeds because of his affiliatio­n across the Pennines.

Now of course many, many people are very much aware of Marcus. Not only is he a very talented footballer, but he has also shown himself to be a courageous, caring, inspiring young man, who is giving voice to those who have none.

His campaign for food in the holidays for school children during this pandemic has caught the imaginatio­n and support of people up and down the country.

Why? Because it is plainly the right thing to do and because he is doing it with determinat­ion but humility; with great encouragem­ent and persuasion, but without aggression.

And most of all we now know his story and the genuine, honest endeavour of someone who has lived experience of the consequenc­es of going hungry. That’s why his status in Leeds and elsewhere transcends normal rivalries, and he is respected and acclaimed.

And that’s also why we all must continue to do what we can to ensure children are not deprived of meals in these abysmal circumstan­ces.

Not now and definitely not at Christmas time.

If we can spend £ 12bn on a dubious track and trace system, surely the country can afford a few million pounds in keeping our children fed? Marcus’ campaign will go on; will you please join and support it?

From: John Zimnoch, York.

MARCUS Rashford needs commending for bringing attention to hungry children, and as he knows personally, single parent families suffer most.

A change in culture is required and he must help this change to come about with his voice; parents must help their own poor families as well as be subsidised by the government. Short term fixes of food or cash is not enough to end the problem.

Good luck to him.

 ?? PICTURE: PA WIRE ?? LEADING THE WAY: Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford has been commended by many for his actions on children’s meals.
PICTURE: PA WIRE LEADING THE WAY: Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford has been commended by many for his actions on children’s meals.

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