Yorkshire Post

New opportunit­ies for city’s firms, council chief says


BRADFORD BUSINESSES will be encouraged to improve links with emerging markets, such as Pakistan, now Britain has left the EU.

Chief Executive for Bradford Council Kersten England said existing links between Bradford and the Asian subcontine­nt could serve the district well now UK trade has been changed forever.

She was giving members of the council’s executive an update on how Brexit would impact Bradford.

Four and a half years after the Brexit referendum, the United Kingdom finally signed a Brexit deal with the EU in the final days of 2020 – just beating a deadline that would have otherwise seen the UK leave without any deal in place.

The executive, meeting online heard that it was still “early days” and it would be some time before the full impact of Brexit on Bradford businesses was clear.

But several small and medium businesses that do trade with Europe had already asked for support in navigating the added bureaucrac­y created by the UK’s exit.

She also pointed out that the deal did not include detail of financial services.

Mrs England said: “There has been no deal on profession­al and financial services. The Leeds City Region ( of which Bradford is a part of) is the second biggest financial centre in the country outside London, so there is concern that we need a deal as soon as possible.”

Referring to the deal made just before New Year, she added: “It is very welcome news, and a big relief these is a deal.

“That is not to dismiss the fact that for many small and medium enterprise­s the bureaucrac­y now required if you are importing or exporting is considerab­le and many are struggling already with completing paperwork and are looking for support to do so.

“We’re working with HMRC to ensure there is a flexibilit­y in the first few months, particular­ly when goods get to borders.

“Overall it is early days when determinin­g the wider impacts.

“The wider issue is now about deepening our engagement with markets outside the EU.

“In particular we were talking about the opportunit­ies that the Asian subcontine­nt represents for the region and particular­ly the economy of Bradford.

“There are already so many familial and business connection­s, and there are large markets opening up, particular­ly in Pakistan.

“We need to be supporting businesses with their continued trading with the EU, but also to look at trade with new markets.”

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