Yorkshire Post

New Army recruitmen­t campaign celebrates power of learning from failure


THE POWER of learning from failure and turning it into success is celebrated in a new British Army campaign aiming to inspire new recruits.

The “Fail. Learn. Win” recruitmen­t campaign, which is launched today, focuses on how failings can be “the first step towards victory” and not a reason to quit.

It is informed by research suggesting 81 per cent of young people do not achieve their goals “because of fear of failure”, with the campaign aiming to combat perception­s that failure is a weakness.

The research conducted by data insight firm Perspectus Global, based on responses from 1,003 young people aged 16 to 25 in November last year, found 76 per cent felt “held back by a fear of failure when taking on new challenges”.

Some 54 per cent claimed “a fear of judgment from other people was the main reason they were scared to fail”.

However, 78 per cent admitted to “learning from past failure” and 83 per cent agreed that “failure is an important part of learning and growing”.

The latest British Army recruitmen­t campaign is the fifth version of the “This is Belonging” series developed by creative agency Karmarama together with outsourcin­g firm Capita plc.

It follows on from last year’s “Army Confidence Lasts a Lifetime” campaign that claimed military service can give longer- lasting confidence than the “quick hits” of modern life.

The new Fail. Learn. Win. campaign will be launched across TV, radio, the internet and social media.

Televised adverts show a soldier overcoming their struggle to keep pace on a training march and another battling to climb out of mud while on a night operation.

Nick Terry, chief marketing officer recruiting group, said: “We take great pride in seeing candidates grow in confidence throughout the recruitmen­t process.”

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