Yorkshire Post

Fishermen lose out as oil giant delays survey

Setback with compensati­on scheme

- ALEXANDRAW­OOD ■ Email: alex. wood@ jpress. co. uk ■ Twitter: @ yorkshirep­ost

ANGLO- DUTCH OIL giant Shell has postponed a seismic survey on two gasfields off the North Yorkshire coast, disappoint­ing fishermen who were in line for tens of thousands of pounds of compensati­on.

The energy firm had been looking to conduct the 3D survey on the Resolution – discovered in 1966 – and Endeavour gasfields this spring, but said it needed more time to “conclude agreements with commercial and other stakeholde­rs in the area”.

Thesurveyo­nlyhasatig­htwindow, as the RSPB has advised that carrying out the surveys any later will affect seabirds returning to their clifftop roosts to breed.

About 50 fishermen, mostly from Scarboroug­h and Whitby, had been involved in negotiatio­ns with Shell about removing their crabpots, which would otherwise get caught up in the 2km- long cables dragged by the survey ship.

Shellfishe­rman Jason Harrison, who fishes out of Scarboroug­h, said he had been offered £ 76,000 to take his pots out, but had only taken out 20 per cent, about 400 pots.

However he said about half a dozen others had jumped the gun and cleared their gear from the area. He said he’d been since offered a £ 17,000 goodwill donation, but would have his December earnings deducted, which he wasn’t happy about. “There were quite a few fishermen who

thought they were going to be quids in and were treating themselves to new pot frames and ropes and now it’s fallen through. They’d moved the gear early because of winter conditions and to satisfy Shell in clearing the area.”

Extinction Rebellion Scarboroug­h has campaigned against the developmen­t, claiming “worldfamou­s views” off the coast will be spoilt by the sight of gas rigs just offshore, and wildlife will be harmed in the process of exploiting the gasfields.

On Facebook they said: “Perhaps the most compelling reason is that Scarboroug­h is in its final century as a seaside resort. The burning of fossil fuels is heating the planet to the extent the ice caps are melting and the seas are rising.”

Shell claims seismic surveys are a “low impact” method to gather informatio­n about seabed geology, using an acoustic signal that is generated on the ship and picked up by sensors towed behind the vessel as the signal bounces back off the rocks.

Shell, which has a 70 per cent interest in the exploratio­n licences, and is the operator, denies claims by the group that fracking would be used. If they decide to go ahead following a future survey – now likely to be in 2022 – gas would eventually come ashore at Teeside where it would be used to power homes and businesses and also to generate electricit­y.

Shell said: “Globally Shell has set itself an ambition to become a net- zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner.

“But gas will remain a necessary part of the UK’s energy mix for many years to come. Security of supply is critical for the UK, and Shell will play its part in providing this, while helping to drive forward the energy transition.”

Quiteafew fishermen thoughtthe­ywere goingtobeq­uidsin.

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