Yorkshire Post

Transparen­cy test Be level with us, Chancellor


THE SIGNIFICAN­CE of Robert Halfon’s call for far more specific policy plans to ‘ level up’ Britain – in addition to the thoughtful ideas of his own that he sets out in The Yorkshire Post this weekend – should not be underestim­ated.

Despite being born with mild cerebral palsy, and suffering from osteoarthr­itis, he’s not allowed these disabiliti­es stand in the way of a Parliament­ary career that now sees him head the cross- party Education Select Committee.

And while he’s always been a leading advocate of blue collar conservati­sm – Mr Halfon came to prominence with calls to freeze fuel duty ahead of each George Osborne budget – he’s clearly concerned, like this newspaper, that ‘ levelling up’ has been allowed to become a glib soundbite to mask delays transformi­ng communitie­s across Britain.

This must not be allowed to happen – both Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, need to set out their ‘ levelling up’ vision, objectives and policy plans for this Parliament. Important before Covid first struck nearly a year ago, this exercise is even more urgent and critical as the pandemic’s human and economic toll grows daily.

But there’s also much merit to Mr Halfon’s suggestion for a Special Redistribu­tion Fund, using the tax income raised from business, to help those on lower incomes or spend on poorer communitie­s. The key, he says, is informatio­n on the allocation of money being “readily available on the Treasury website” for scrutiny. Basic common sense, it is also the defining transparen­cy test that Ministers should be embracing if they’re truly serious about ‘ levelling up’. Over to you, Chancellor.

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