Yorkshire Post

‘ New normal’ for railway system


USE OF public transport has declined dramatical­ly as a result of the pandemic, which Barry White says has accelerate­d an existing trend for people working at home.

And TfN is working on the basis that people may only go into an office two days a week rather than four or five as they currently do when things return to a new normal, meaning people will travel less than before.

He says: “And that has a number of impacts. So it will in the short- term mean a dip in fare revenue, so we will have less money coming into the railway system in the short- term. But what we need to do is say: ‘ Because people are working from home a bit more, how can we use that released capacity, the seats that are now available to people?’”

1 Who painted ‘ Eruption of

Vesuvius’ in 1817?

2 Who was 45th Vice President

of the United States?

3 The Oswego Canal and the Champlain Canal belong to which canal system?

4 What is the basic unit of money

in Indonesia?

5 What is the chemical element

of atomic number 74? 6 Where was Tancredo Neves elected president in 1995, ending the 21- year military rule?

7 Where was composite volcanic cone Eldfell formed in a volcanic eruption which began without warning on 23 January 1973?

8 Which royal competed in the

bobsled event at the 1988, 1992, 1994, 1998, and 2002 Winter Olympics?

9 The inner thoughts of the two main characters, Jeremy and Mark is the concept of which comedy series that first appeared on our TV screens in 2003 …?

10 … And who played Jeremy

and Mark?

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