Yorkshire Post

Biden to reverse Trump decisions

- GRACE HAMMOND NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

US: Joe Biden plans to reverse some of the most controvers­ial and “gravest” decisions of Donald Trump’s administra­tion as soon as he becomes the President.

A 10-day blitz of executive actions by Mr Biden aims to swiftly redirect the country in the wake of Mr Trump’s tenure, without waiting for Congress.

JOE BIDEN plans to reverse some of the most controvers­ial and “gravest” decisions of Donald Trump’s administra­tion as soon as he becomes the President.

A 10-day blitz of executive actions by Mr Biden aims to swiftly redirect the country in the wake of Mr Trump’s tenure, according to the Democrat’s incoming chief of staff, without waiting for Congress.

It comes after all 50 US states and the District of Columbia (DC) were at the weekend on alert for possible violence following proTrump protesters storming the Capitol building on January 6, in which five people died.

Mr Biden will end Mr Trump’s restrictio­n on immigratio­n to the US from some Muslim-majority countries, move to rejoin the Paris climate accord and mandate mask-wearing on federal property and during interstate travel.

Those are among roughly a dozen actions Mr Biden will take on his first day in the White House, his incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, said in a memo to senior staff.

Other plans include extending the pause on student loan payments and actions meant to prevent evictions and foreclosur­es for those struggling during the pandemic.

“These executive actions will deliver relief to the millions of Americans that are struggling in the face of these crises,” Mr Klain said in the memo.

“President-elect Biden will take action – not just to reverse the gravest damages of the Trump administra­tion – but also to start moving our country forward.”

“Full achievemen­t” of Mr Biden’s goals will require Congress to act, Mr Klain wrote, including the $1.9 trillion (£1.46 trillion) virus relief bill he outlined on Thursday.

Mr Klain said that Mr Biden would also propose a comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform bill to lawmakers on his first day in office.

On Thursday, the new President’s second day in office, Mr Biden will sign orders related to the Covid-19 outbreak aimed at reopening schools and businesses and expanding virus testing, Mr Klain said.

The following day will see action on providing economic relief to those suffering the economic costs of the pandemic.

In the following week, Mr Klain said, Mr Biden would take additional actions relating to criminal justice reform, climate change and immigratio­n – including a directive to speed the reuniting of families separated at the US-Mexico border under Mr Trump’s policies.

More actions will be added, Mr Klain said, once they clear legal review.

Incoming presidents traditiona­lly move swiftly to sign an array of executive actions when they take office. Mr Trump did the same, but he found many of his orders challenged and even rejected by courts.

Mr Klain maintained that Mr Biden should not suffer similar issues, saying “the legal theory behind them is well-founded and represents a restoratio­n of an appropriat­e, constituti­onal role for the President”.

The FBI had warned of possible armed marches by pro-Trump supporters at all 50 state capitols, the BBC reported.

Much of Washington DC will be locked down ahead of Wednesday’s inaugurati­on, with National Guard troops deploying in their thousands. Streets have been blocked off with concrete barriers and metal fences.

These executive actions will deliver relief to millions. Ron Klain, President-Elect Joe Biden’s chief of staf.

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