Yorkshire Post

If independen­t Scotland joins the EU again...


From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

BORIS Johnson, please give Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP their ‘indy’ vote.

Apparently she’s been begging the EU to allow Scotland back in.

Is Scotland an independen­t country? No – it is one of four countries that make up the union of Great Britain. How she can ask to rejoin the EU is beyond me.

Do the Scots realise if they get their independen­ce and rejoin the EU a border would have to be erected between Scotland and England?

A passport would also be required and probably a visa/ work permit to enter the United Kingdom. Before all that Scottish citizens would have to have a referendum on joining the EU.

The real reason, I suspect, that the SNP wants an ‘indy’ referendum is nothing at all to do with Brexit, it’s to do with them being anti-English, but not antiEnglis­h cash.

From: Mike Baldwin, Raven Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield.

WITH regard to the 2016 EU referendum, Alan Machin (The Yorkshire Post, January 13) states: “I would suggest more people are now likely to vote out.”

Since the referendum, YouGov has undertaken a poll three or four times per month with the question: ‘In hindsight, do you think Britain was right of wrong to leave the EU?’

The poll has shown a majority for ‘wrong’ on every occasion over the last three years. The majority has steadily increased and the average over the last three months shows a majority considerin­g it was wrong to leave the EU of 10 per cent. No doubt in the next few weeks, when the scale of the disruption to trade becomes more evident, that majority will increase significan­tly.

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