Yorkshire Post

Day of hope

Good wishes to President Biden


THIS IS a day of hope for the United States and the rest of the world.

The swearing-in of Joe Biden as President offers the opportunit­y to begin a process of healing and reconcilia­tion after the divisive and damaging tenure of Donald Trump.

A great burden rests on President Biden’s shoulders – not only to address the pandemic that devastated his country because of Mr Trump’s inaction, but to bridge the bitter divides in American politics fostered by his predecesso­r which resulted in the insurrecti­on at the Capitol earlier this month that left five people dead.

That was an assault on American democracy, and by extension on the entire concept of western democracy in which elections are fairly contested and the losers give way to victors with good grace.

Mr Biden will need to deploy all his long experience, decency and gravitas in healing America following the bitterness and division of recent years.

It is certain that he will restore dignity to an office so shamefully undermined by Mr Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and glee in goading an armed mob into attacking the heart of his country’s democracy.

The new President will be a positive force, in stark contrast to the negativity of the man he succeeds.

He is a staunch internatio­nalist who will reach out to other countries in a spirit of friendship, which is much to be welcomed after four years of petulant insularity from his predecesso­r.

The good wishes and hope for the future of countless Americans and their counterpar­ts around the world go with Joe Biden today.

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