Yorkshire Post

Warning that green Brexit has yet to be delivered


THE “GREEN Brexit” promised by the Government has not been delivered, with weaker protection­s in areas such as nature and air quality, campaigner­s have warned.

But there is still a chance to enhance environmen­tal protection­s, the Greener UK coalition said as it issued its final “report card” in assessment­s on Brexit.

Greener UK has been tracking progress on the pledge, outlined by then-Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove in 2017, to deliver a green Brexit, and the Government’s promises to enhance environmen­tal protection­s.

Its analysis finds protection­s on climate, farming, fisheries and water quality are similar to 2016, but are weaker than they were for chemicals, nature, air quality and waste.

Greener UK said there was still time for plans to be strengthen­ed, including via the much-delayed Environmen­t Bill and farming reforms which are being finalised.

The coalition, which includes The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and the environmen­tal law charity ClientEart­h, warned new bodies enforcing rules on air pollution and water quality are set to be less independen­t and weaker than under the EU system.

The Government’s desire to retain the option to diverge from EU rules has undermined co-operation and raised the risk of deregulati­on in areas such as chemicals, which could put the environmen­t at risk, the groups said.

But the campaigner­s said there are positives from Brexit, including the Government’s ambition to transform farming policy by replacing the EU’s Common Agricultur­al Policy with a system that pays land managers for providing public goods such as flood protection and habitat for nature.

The Government was approached for a comment.

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