Yorkshire Post

Death of policeman in Capitol riot may be result of spray


TWO MEN have been arrested and charged with assaulting US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick with bear spray during the January 6 riot, but officials do not know yet whether it caused his death.

George Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, West Virginia, and Julian Khater, 32, of Pennsylvan­ia, were arrested on Sunday.

The idea that Mr Sicknick died after being sprayed by a chemical irritant has emerged in recent weeks as a new theory in the case.

The arrests are the closest federal prosecutor­s have come to identifyin­g and charging anyone associated with the deaths that happened during and after the riot.

Five people died, including a woman who was shot by a police officer inside the Capitol.

Many rioters are facing charges of injuring police officers, who were attacked with bats, sprayed with irritants, punched and kicked, and rammed with metal gates meant to keep the insurrecti­onists from the Capitol.

Investigat­ors initially believed that Mr Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguish­er.

But as they have collected more evidence, investigat­ors now believe Mr Sicknick may have ingested a chemical substance – possibly bear spray – that may have contribute­d to his death, officials have said.

Khater is in a video spraying Mr Sicknick and others with bear spray, according to court papers.

Mr Sicknick died after defending the Capitol against the mob that stormed the building as Congress was voting to certify Joe Biden’s electoral win over Donald Trump (inset). It came after Mr Trump urged supporters on the National Mall to “fight like hell” to overturn his defeat.

The circumstan­ces surroundin­g Mr Sicknick’s death remain unclear, and a final cause of death has not been determined.

Mr Sicknick collapsed later on and died at a hospital on January 7. The Justice Department opened a federal murder investigat­ion into his death, but prosecutor­s are still evaluating what other specific charges could be brought in the case and the probe continues, officials have said.

The FBI has already released about 250 photos of people being sought for assaulting federal law enforcemen­t officers during the riot.

Some have already been arrested, and the Justice Department said about 300 people have been

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