Yorkshire Post

Memorial dedicated to soldiers who died in crash is vandalised


A YORKSHIRE war memorial dedicated to 10 American soldiers who died when their plane crashed into a Sheffield park has been vandalised after revellers descended to enjoy the warm weather as lockdown restrictio­ns eased.

US flags were torn down from the memorial in Endcliffe Park, Sheffield, which is dedicated to the soldiers who died when the B-17 Flying Fortress, known as Mi Amigo, crashed in the park on February 22, 1944.

Pensioner Tony Foulds, who looks after the memorial, urged vandals to stay away in a message posted on Twitter. In a video posted by Sheffield councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, Mr Foulds said: “I’ve had a lot of damage done and my flags torn off and chucked onto the floor. Please, whatever happens don’t come near the memorial. For my sake, as well as these lads.”

Mr Foulds was eight when the badly-damaged bomber limped over the roofs of nearby houses and crashed into a wooded area, apparently to avoid him and his friends who were fighting on the grass. He has since dedicated his life to maintainin­g the memory of the crew, believing he was responsibl­e for their deaths.

Police said the damage had been caused on Tuesday, when warm weather brought people out to the park to socialise under the new rule of six in England. Mr Foulds discovered it when he visited on Wednesday. It comes two years after thousands attended a flypast arranged to mark the 75th anniversar­y of the crash, following a campaign by BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker, who bumped into Mr Foulds while walking his dog in the park in 2019.

Superinten­dent Simon Verrall said: “Throughout the afternoon and evening of March 30, officers were required to respond to a number of reports of antisocial behaviour and damage being caused to the park. Sadly, one of the park’s memorials was also damaged during the evening, which has left volunteers deeply distressed. This activity is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in our open spaces.”

 ?? TONY FOULDS: ?? He believed the plane crashed in woodland in 1944 to avoid Mr Foulds and his pals.
TONY FOULDS: He believed the plane crashed in woodland in 1944 to avoid Mr Foulds and his pals.

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