Yorkshire Post

Music industry ‘unimportan­t’ to the Government, rapper believes


RAPPER PROFESSOR Green believes the music industry has been treated as “unimportan­t” during the pandemic and said he remains “apprehensi­ve” about the return of live music.

The musician, real name Stephen Manderson, said those working behind the scenes in the sector, such as touring crews and sound engineers, had not received adequate support.

The 37-year-old is taking part in the Virtual Big Sing 2021, a day of free live-streamed performanc­es for pupils, broadcast from London’s Abbey Road Studios and hosted by celebrity vocal coach Mark De-Lisser.

He said: “I am no less apprehensi­ve than I have been ever since I saw dates in the diary because they are forever shifting. It is quite difficult.

“It is really easy to think artists are at the forefront of this and we are the ones that are suffering, but actually there are many, many parts of the machine that make what we do possible, and those people don’t have voices and they aren’t seen and they aren’t spoken about and they have not been supported throughout this entire period.

“I think it is much more important that things get back to some form of normality for them to be able to do their jobs and earn their livings, because for a long time they haven’t – and without support. It is almost as if it (the music industry) has been considered unimportan­t despite the fact we are the largest exporter of music outside of the US.

“We have a government who won’t underwrite insurers for promoters, so it puts people in a completely impossible place.”

Professor Green, who became a father in March, questioned how promoters could organise live events without government­backed coronaviru­s cancellati­on insurance.

He added: “You look at all the small venues we have lost. Yes, there has been money given to the arts. We all know where it has gone – to places which have very high ticket prices and generally theatres, not music venues. Without small venues, where do small artists start?”

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has been contacted for comment.

 ??  ?? PROFESSOR GREEN: ‘Britain is ‘the largest exporter of music outside of the US,’ the rapper said.
PROFESSOR GREEN: ‘Britain is ‘the largest exporter of music outside of the US,’ the rapper said.

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