Yorkshire Post

Pig farm scheme is rejected after 470 objections


A CONTROVERS­IAL plan for a 1,000 pig rearing farm close to a Doncaster village has been rejected by councillor­s.

Applicant Richard Lodge applied to erect a livestock building for a pig finishing unit along associated infrastruc­ture at Toecroft Farm off Toecroft Lane in Sprotbroug­h.

But the plans prompted mass opposition with more than 470 objections from nearby residents including from Doncaster North MP Ed Miliband, charities and animal welfare organisati­ons.

Councillor­s on the planning committee deferred the applicatio­n last month in order to visit the site and to assess the concerns raised by residents.

Members turned down the plan, against the advice of council officers and raised concerns around access of large HGVs carrying pigs to the site from Folder Lane and the danger to road users.

Other reasons for rejection were the damage to amenity to nearby residents due to the size and nature of the vehicles and concerns around odour and noise from the animals at all times of the day and night.

Mr Lodge may now appeal. Mexborough councillor Andy Pickering said: “We all know sat in this room that nobody wants the contents of that pig farm 300 metres from their home 365 days a year and that is what the residents are clearly upset about.”

One of the three petitions against the plans, set up by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was signed by 22,000 people while another on change.org had over 3,000 signatures.

Sprotbroug­h Councillor Glenn Bluff urged members to reject the applicatio­n.

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