Yorkshire Post

MPs urged to back new law to protect shopworker­s from violence


CALLS have been made for MPs to support a campaign for legislatio­n to give shopworker­s more protection from violence and abuse.

Retail trade union Usdaw said MPs will have the opportunit­y to back its campaign during a debate on the Government’s Policing Bill today.

It comes after bosses at Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Primark wrote to Prime Minister Boris Johnson urging him to support an amendment to the Bill.

The letter, co-ordinated by the British Retail Consortium (BRC), argues that an amendment to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill will help tackle escalating violence and abuse against retail staff.

Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis said: “Usdaw is looking for a simple stand-alone offence that is easily understood, not just by the legal profession, but by the criminals who are assaulting, threatenin­g and terrifying shopworker­s.

“A separate offence for assaulting a retail worker would encourage prosecutio­ns and provide the deterrent effect that our members are desperatel­y looking for.

“When retail employers, leading retail bodies and the shopworker­s’ trade union jointly call for legislatio­n, it is time for the Government and MPs to listen.”

Retailers have reported a surge in incidents of violence in recent years which they say has been exacerbate­d by the pandemic, with shop-floor staff having to enforce rules such as social distancing and wearing face masks.

The most recent crime survey of retailers revealed a seven per cent year-on-year increase in violence and abuse in 2019 to 455 cases each day.

According to the BRC, retailers are spending record amounts on crime prevention and have invested £1.2bn in a range of measures, including body-worn cameras, personal attack alarms and increased security personnel, in the past year.

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