Yorkshire Post

Labour plan to buy British ‘not slapping flag’ on procuremen­t

- CHARLES BROWN NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT Email: yp.newsdesk@jpimedia.co.uk Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

SHADOW CHANCELLOR Rachel Reeves has denied her threepoint plan to “buy, make and sell” more in Britain amounts to “slapping a Union Jack” on public procuremen­t.

Labour unveiled its new policy yesterday, saying it would use social and environmen­tal clauses in public contracts to raise standards. The party said its approach would mirror that of other countries including France and the United States.

Labour would ask every public body to give more contracts to

British firms, and require public bodies to report on how much they are buying from businesses in this country, Ms Reeves said.

The MP for Leeds West cited how shortages of personal protective equipment during the pandemic had highlighte­d concerns about insecure supply chains, as well as huge taxpayer contracts going overseas instead of to British companies.

Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Ms Reeves said the policy was about taking into account the social as well as the economic value of bids.

Mr Marr said some people in the Labour Party would be likely to feel “quite queasy” about a policy “that it is slapping a Union Jack on public procuremen­t”.

Ms Reeves said: “I don’t think it does do that. This is actually the essence of what Labour is for, because it is about ensuring that there are good quality jobs paying a wage you can bring a family up on in all parts of the country.”

She added: “So if you’ve got two bids on the table for public procuremen­t whether it is for HS2 or submarines or offshore wind and one of them is creating jobs in this country – high paid, high skilled jobs that will result in people paying higher taxes in to the Exchequer – we give no extra weight to that bid compared to one that creates no jobs and no value in this country. It makes economic sense as well as common sense to ensure that we are creating good quality apprentice­ships here in this country.”

Speaking to Trevor Phillips on Sky News, Ms Reeves insisted that the policy was not about excluding foreign companies from competing in Britain.

She said: “It wouldn’t be me as Chancellor leaning on public bodies to award contracts, what it is about is changing the procuremen­t framework so you can take into account labour standards, job creation in this country and environmen­tal standards as well.”

Ms Reeves promised to lead a “culture change” in government, reviewing the pipeline of all major infrastruc­ture projects to explore how to increase the materials made in Britain, and increase the skills of workers.

Help would be offered to businesses considerin­g bringing work back to the UK from overseas, she added.

TUC General Secretary Frances

O’Grady welcomed the plans, saying: “The TUC has been campaignin­g for Government to use public money to create decent jobs in every part of Britain. It’s great to see that Labour is taking this agenda forward too.”

The Government said it is reviewing the UK’s public procuremen­t rules to be “better able to meet the needs of this country” in the post-Brexit era.

A spokesman for the Government added: “We will shortly publish an Innovation Strategy and our vision for life sciences as part of our plans to unleash private investment, onshore manufactur­ing and drive a strong economic recovery.”

It is about changing the procuremen­t framework. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

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