Yorkshire Post

PM ‘gave go-ahead for airlift of Afghan animals’


FRESH EVIDENCE has emerged suggesting No 10 was involved in the airlift of animals out of Afghanista­n – as Boris Johnson sought to dismiss allegation­s that he intervened as “total rhubarb”.

Accused of lying, the Prime Minister tried to fend off allegation­s that he assisted the approval of the evacuation of cats and dogs with the Nowzad charity from Kabul.

But, as he was talking, further leaked correspond­ence was published, suggesting then-foreign secretary Dominic Raab and No 10 were involved in the decision.

An email shared with a Commons inquiry shows a Foreign Office official saying in August that the Prime Minister “had just authorised” the animals’ rescue.

Speaking to broadcaste­rs during a visit to North Wales, Mr Johnson said: “This whole thing is total rhubarb.”

Emails shared with the Foreign Affairs Committee show an official in Foreign Office minister Lord Goldsmith’s private office telling colleagues on August 25 that “the PM has just authorised their staff and animals to be evacuated”.

Another Foreign Office official referred to the “PM’s decision earlier today to evacuate the staff of the Nowzad animal charity” in a separate email on August 25.

As Kabul fell to the Taliban, Nowzad founder Paul “Pen” Farthing launched a high-profile campaign to get his staff and animals out.

Dominic Dyer, an ally of Mr Farthing, said he had spoken to ministers and Mr Johnson’s wife Carrie to “put pressure on him” over the evacuation.

Yesterday, Mr Dyer said he felt “vindicated” by the newly released emails, adding: “I’m not certain why he didn’t feel he could explain his involvemen­t in August.”

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