Yorkshire Post

Key evidence on rail line ‘was not evaluated’

Chiefs urge rethink on scrapped plans

- CHRIS BURN POLITICAL EDITOR Email: chris.burn@jpimedia.co.uk Twitter: @chrisburn_post

AXED PLANS to build a new Northern Powerhouse Rail highspeed line via Bradford must be reconsider­ed after it was revealed vital evidence was not assessed, council chiefs have demanded.

The Department for Transport published a technical annexe to the Integrated Rail Plan earlier this week, which reveals the full wider economic benefit of building the line were not considered in making the decision to scrap the plan in favour of a cheaper and shorter option.

Council leader Susan Hinchliffe said she will make the case to the Transport Select Committee inquiry into the IRP next week that the proposal should be put back on the table.

The Government’s technical annexe assessed the value-formoney of the full NPR route via Bradford as “poor” but admitted “it has not been possible to fully assess impacts on the wider economy, particular­ly those associated with households and businesses changing location in response to the investment”.

Coun Hinchliffe said: “We’re the fifth largest metropolit­an district in the country but the Bradford district has been left off the mainline rail network, meaning our great people and brilliant businesses are left with secondrate rail connection­s to Manchester, Leeds and London.

“Many of our plans, which have been years in the making,

are based around creating the 21st century through-train station our district deserves and the wider Northern Powerhouse Rail project, which the Prime Minister personally promised to deliver.

“The Government has missed a golden opportunit­y to make an investment which would have repaid itself many times over by unlocking a regenerati­on zone in Bradford city centre, which is three times larger than Canary Wharf, creates 27,000 new jobs and delivers £30bn in economic benefits for our district over a decade.

“Now we find out that the Department for Transport failed to do any detailed analysis of the long-term economic benefits of investing in the Bradford district and investing in the North.”

Julian Jackson, assistant director of planning, transporta­tion and highways at Bradford Council, added: “The success of our country, our towns and cities and our transport network is reliant on people making evidenceba­sed decisions.

“We now find out that the evidence base is missing when it comes to making the most crucial transport investment decisions in northern rail infrastruc­ture for many generation­s.

“Bradford’s independen­t economic analysis is essential to understand­ing the long-term impacts of investing in Bradford and the North, something which has been overlooked by the DfT.

“In light of the technical publicatio­n by the DfT, the Government should reconsider the recommenda­tions of the Integrated Rail Plan so that we can deliver the transport infrastruc­ture we need to level up Bradford and to level up the North.”

The Government has missed a golden opportunit­y. Susan Hinchliffe, leader of Bradford Council.

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