Yorkshire Post

NHS emergency

Javid should visit Scarboroug­h


IF THE London Government wants evidence of the perilous state of the NHS as ambulance waiting times grow it should heed today’s prognosis by North Yorkshire hospital consultant Steve Holmberg: “There is no doubt that patient harm is resulting from this position.”

Words carefully chosen by the consultant cardiologi­st, they are also indicative of the staffing crisis facing York and Scarboroug­h Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust at this time.

The statistics do no not lie. There were 675 cases in December when ambulance crews had to wait more than an hour outside York and Scarboroug­h hospitals before seriously ill patients could be passed into the care of medics. By comparison, there were just 44 such occurrence­s in December 2020.

Equally alarming is how the number of 12-hour trolley waits rose from

14 in December 2020 to 298 in December 2021 – evidence of a “completely unpreceden­ted” challenge now cited by Mr Holmberg.

And while Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid will point, with justificat­ion, to Covid’s unforeseen consequenc­es, and also a need for staff to self-isolate when the Omicron variant was at its peak, it is clear matters are being compounded by delays dischargin­g predominan­tly elderly patients due to shortages community care provision.

Mr Javid already has an open invitation to visit campaigner Mike Padgham’s care homes in Scarboroug­h. Why doesn’t he combine this with a visit to the resort’s hospital so he can see why such areas still remain in desperate need of a joined-up health and care policy?

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