Yorkshire Post

Jury is out in trial of farmer who flipped car on its side


THE JURY in the trial of a farmer who flipped a car off his driveway using his tractor was today considerin­g its verdict.

Mobile phone footage shows Robert Hooper, 57, lifting a Vauxhall Corsa and dropping it on the road outside his property in Newbiggin-in-Teesdale, County Durham, last June.

Shirtless passenger Charlie Burns, 21, who had been visiting the area that day and had drunk up to seven bottles of lager, was knocked to the ground by the vehicle’s lifting forks.

Hooper, a fourth-generation hill farmer, is on trial at Durham Crown Court where he denies dangerous driving and criminal damage.

He has told the jury previously that he was punched by Mr Burns, adding: “I felt threatened and an Englishman’s home is his castle and my castle starts at that front gate.”

In his closing speech to the jury, Michael Rawlinson, defending, gave the origin of the saying, referring to judge Sir Edward Coke’s comments, which set legal precedents in 1604.

Mr Rawlinson also quoted the boxer Mike Tyson, saying: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Referring to arguments about how the farmer could have acted differentl­y on the day, the barrister said: “If you are being punched in the face, you cannot do a great deal.”

Mr Rawlinson said Hooper had been working hard, “grafting”, and was not looking for trouble when the car arrived at his remote property.

In his closing remarks, David Ward, prosecutin­g, said: “He clearly acted out of anger and then tipped that vehicle on to its side, pushing it out of the gate, driving dangerousl­y out on to the road, criminally damaging it at the same time with no lawful excuse.”

Judge Ray Singh outlined routes to verdict for the jury and explained the law surroundin­g self defence and a defendant protecting himself and his property.

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