Yorkshire Post

Hunt supporters fined for Boxing Day confrontat­ion with saboteurs


THREE HUNT supporters have been fined after admitting fighting with saboteurs after scuffles broke out at a Boxing Day meet.

William Renny, 30, Callum Lewis, 26, and Evan Lorne, 18, pleaded guilty to an offence under Section 4 of the Public Order Act of using threatenin­g, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause unlawful violence.

Salisbury Magistrate­s’ Court heard that there were clashes between pro and anti-hunting groups outside the Red Lion pub, in Lacock, Wiltshire, when the Avon Vale Hunt passed through last year.

The court was played video of the incident, which showed scuffles breaking out and punches being thrown between the opposing sides.

Tom Power, prosecutin­g, said: “All three defendants play a slightly different role in events. Mr Rennie threw a punch towards one of the hunt saboteurs, and Mr Lewis and Mr Lorne appear to throw multiple punches towards the saboteurs as general scuffles break out.

“The recording shows there is lots of tension in the air and the saboteurs are shouting and the defendants have been goaded by that.”

The defendants maintained that the atmosphere became “confrontat­ional” when around 50 hunt saboteurs dressed in black arrived.

Pest controller Renny, of Fleet Close, Westbury, was fined £538 and ordered to pay a £54 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Plant operator Lewis, of Campion Close, Westbury, was fined £554 and also ordered to pay a £54 victim surcharge and £85 costs. Agricultur­al student Lorne, of the Lye, Seenn, Melksham, was fined £200 and ordered to pay a £34 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Two other defendants, Andrew Purbrick, from Westbury, and Adrian Earl, 52, of Calne, will appear at Swindon Magistrate­s’

Court on April 13.

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