Yorkshire Post

Ex-Mr Universe gets £56,000 penalty for opening gym in lockdown


A BODYBUILDE­R convicted of breaking lockdown laws by opening his gym has been ordered to pay almost £56,000 in fines and costs.

In extraordin­ary scenes, strongman Eddy Ellwood, 58, made a statement in the courtroom after he was fined, denying the authority of the court and declaring the conviction was a “sham”.

He had claimed people using his Xtreme Fitness premises in Hartlepool were engaged in a peaceful protest against coronaviru­s restrictio­ns last year.

His defence also told Teesside Magistrate­s’ Court that people could use the gym to improve their mental health during lockdown, in a move motivated by a number of suicides among people he knew.

The former Mr Universe denied four charges relating to breaches of Covid-19 legislatio­n on two dates in February last year.

Two charges related to him contraveni­ng a direction from the local council by allowing people to enter the premises and there were two charges that he flouted a prohibitio­n notice by opening.

Yesterday District Judge Marie Mallon convicted him of all the offences following a two-day trial, saying it was a prepostero­us submission that people were protesting behind closed doors in a gym.

She said: “To whom were they protesting? How would they make their presence known?”

The judge noted that some gym users ran off and hid behind cars when a council official arrived.

Ellwood, whose address was given as that of his business, was fined £30,000 and ordered to pay £25,507 in costs as well as a £181 surcharge. He was given 12 months to pay.

Dr John Brown, defending, said his client was a sole trader who had not been drawing a wage from the business lately.

Ellwood said he would appeal.

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