Yorkshire Post

UK deportatio­n flight to Rwanda can go ahead, High Court decides


CAMPAIGNER­S HAVE lost a High Court bid to block the Government’s plan to send migrants to Rwanda, paving the way for the first flight to go ahead on Tuesday.

Migrants due to be given a oneway ticket to the east African nation as part of Home Secretary Priti Patel’s bid to curb Channel crossings, as well as campaign groups and a union, had asked judges to block their upcoming deportatio­n flight.

Up to 130 people had been notified they could be removed.

The court heard 31 people were due on the first flight on Tuesday, with the Home Office planning to schedule more this year.

Lawyers for almost 100 migrants had submitted legal challenges asking to stay in the UK with the remaining anticipate­d to follow suit. The first stage of action was brought yesterday by lawyers on behalf of two migrants alongside the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), which represents more than 80 per cent of Border Force staff, as well as groups Care4Calai­s and Detention Action who are challengin­g the policy on behalf of everyone affected.

Judge Mr Justice Swift ruled against the claim last night and said: “I do not consider that the balance of convivence favours the grant of the generic relief.”

During the proceeding­s it emerged the Home Office had already cancelled removal directions for three people set to be on the first flight and that a further two will also have them cancelled.

The two remaining migrants who made the claim are still due to be removed on the flight.

During the hearing, Raza Husain QC, for the claimants, told the court the “procedure is simply unsafe” and called for an evidence-based assessment for the policy, “not an aspiration­al basis, or hopes”. The barrister later said that the agreement between the two countries, known as a Memorandum of Understand­ing, was “unenforcea­ble”. “Nothing monitors it, there’s no evidence of structural change. The risks are just too high,” he added.

However, Home Office lawyers said legal action should not be allowed to derail the plans and urged the court to reject the applicatio­n. The Home Office

argued there was a “strong public interest in permitting these removals to proceed as scheduled” and a “clear public interest in deterring the making of dangerous journeys and the activities of criminal smugglers”.

Previously, the department said it expected legal challenges but is “determined to deliver this new partnershi­p” and insisted the policy “fully complies with internatio­nal and national law” while Downing Street said Boris Johnson remains confident the policy is legal.

Shortly after the judgment was concluded, Mr Justice Swift granted the claimants permission to appeal, suggesting Court of Appeal judges would hear the case on Monday.

Following the verdict, campaign groups vowed to keep fighting as Ms Patel welcomed the ruling.

Detention Action said: “We will be making an urgent applicatio­n to the Court of Appeal. This is only the first step in our legal challenge, made stronger by today’s evidence.”

Asylum Aid said: “The truncated timeframes are unlawful and unfair, and this argument still has to be heard.”

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, a Yorkshire MP, said that the UN Human Rights Council’s criticisms of the Rwanda scheme are “damning”, adding that it is “warning about lack of proper treatment for refugees in Rwanda and accusing Home Secretary of misleading people over UN support.

“This plan is unworkable, unethical, extortiona­tely expensive, and profoundly un-British,” she said.

Ms Patel welcomed the ruling, saying the Government will “now continue to deliver on progressin­g our world-leading Migration Partnershi­p” and that Rwanda is a recognised safe haven.

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