Yorkshire Post

Gloves give gentle hug for babies born early


PREMATURE BABIES at Rotherham Hospital have been given a comforting hug, with special weighted gloves which help to mimic the sensation of touch while they are being cared for in an incubator.

The Rotherham Hospital and Community Charity has funded four pairs of Zacy Hugs – weighted gloves which help babies sleep soundly, while also supporting their postures, helping their developmen­t.

Baby Imogen Coleman was one of the first to try out SCBU’s new Zacy Hug after she was born five weeks early on May 1, weighing just 3lbs 6oz.

Imogen’s mother Toni McLaughlin, 33, of Brinsworth, said: “Imogen has used the Zacy Hug from day one and it helps her to feel settled and happy. She goes from being really fidgety to snuggly and content.

“She loves it and the more I use it, the more it smells of me.

“I want to be here for her as much as possible, but on the occasions I’m not, it’s lovely to know that she has it and is comforted.”

Parents can place the glove on their chest or neck for an hour to transfer their scent before it is placed in the incubator or cot.

The anti-allergenic glove and filling is specially adapted for a hospital environmen­t and washed before being passed onto the next family.

Alison Cowie, head of nursing children’s services, family health division, said: “We know that for parents of a premature or poorly newborn, leaving them in hospital even for short periods of time can be heart-breaking.

“The Zacy Hugs are a great way for parents to maintain that connection with their precious baby while we care for them.

“We’re absolutely delighted the charity has funded the Zacy Hugs as they are a wonderful resource for babies during the first few hours and days of their lives.”

If you would like to fundraise for the charity, call 01709 426821 or trft.charity@nhs.net

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