Yorkshire Post

Sturgeon condemns ‘disgracefu­l’ abuse of journalist by protesters


NICOLA STURGEON has labelled independen­ce campaigner­s’ abuse of a journalist as “disgracefu­l”.

Protesters yelled at James Cook, the BBC’s Scotland Editor, as they demonstrat­ed outside the Conservati­ve hustings in Perth on Tuesday, with calls of “traitor”, “scumbag rat” and “liar” heard.

Yesterday, Scotland’s First Minister hit out at the independen­ce backers who abused him.

“Hurling abuse at journalist­s is never acceptable,” the SNP politician tweeted. “Their job is vital to our democracy and it is important to report and scrutinise, not support any viewpoint.

“James Cook is a journalist of the highest quality and a total pro – the behaviour he was subjected to last night was disgracefu­l.”

Speaking to journalist­s yesterday, the First Minister said she would “condemn any abusive behaviour”.

“I’m not responsibl­e for it, I wasn’t in Perth last night,” she added. “That wasn’t being done in my name – as far as I’m aware it wasn’t SNP members doing that. If SNP members behave in that way, appropriat­e action will be taken.”

She added: “I want to live in a democracy where we have these debates and settle them democratic­ally, rather than be denied the opportunit­y to settle them democratic­ally.”

She went on to say she hoped that leaders in other parties would be “equally quick to call out abuse when it is directed at people like me or my colleagues in the SNP or the independen­ce movement”.

“All politician­s who care about democracy should call out this behaviour, whether it’s on their side or on the other side,” she said. “It’s very easy to call out behaviour like this when it’s your opponents that you’re calling out – it’s harder to do when it’s people professing to be on your own side.”

When asked if SNP members should be suspended if they were found to be at the protest, the First Minister said she would not be drawn on hypothetic­als. Meanwhile, Scottish Government minister Patrick Harvie said he supported the right to peacefully protest, but added that it had to be “peaceful and respectful”.

 ?? ?? NICOLA STURGEON: ‘Hurling abuse at journalist­s is never acceptable... their job is vital.’
NICOLA STURGEON: ‘Hurling abuse at journalist­s is never acceptable... their job is vital.’

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