Yorkshire Post

Army cadet found dead ‘was driven to succeed’


A FEMALE Army cadet found dead in her room at Sandhurst military academy showed “fearless determinat­ion” to succeed in life, an inquest heard yesterday.

Olivia Perks, 21, was discovered dead at the elite military training school in February 2019.

An earlier inquest recorded the provisiona­l cause of her death as asphyxia due to hanging.

Pen portraits of her were given by her family as the full inquest into her death began at Berkshire Coroners Court in Reading.

In a statement read out by coroner Alison McCormick, her mother Louise Townsend said: “Liv was the most wonderful, vivacious and captivatin­g girl.

“From a young age she showed fearless determinat­ion to push forward.”

She said her daughter said she wanted to join the Army while a teenager and joined the junior cadets while still at school, where she was held in high regard.

She “watched with great pride” when her daughter joined Sandhurst in 2018 and was told Ms Perks was an “integral member” of her platoon.

Ms Perks scored top marks on a course which she undertook before joining Sandhurst and was the youngest officer cadet in her intake, the hearing was told.

Ms Townsend continued: “People spoke of her as that stand-out figure who was so motivated and driven to succeed.

“She was known for her smile and her wicked sense of humour.

“She was full of energy and enthusiasm, always willing to take on any adventure, and as a friend she was compassion­ate and kind. She was always ready to help and support others.”

Ian Perks said his daughter was the “best daughter any father could wish for”.

He added: “She was full of energy and enthusiasm, had an enormous sense of fun, joining in with anything and everything.”

The inquest continues.

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