Yorkshire Post

Misogyny and abuse rife in music industry, MPs warn


WOMEN in the music industry have had their lives ruined by men who have never faced the consequenc­es for their actions, an MPs’ inquiry into misogyny in music found, with sexual abuse and harassment common.

A report by the Women and Equalities Committee found that misogyny and discrimina­tion are “endemic” in the industry.

The report said: “People in the industry who attend award shows and parties do so sitting alongside sexual abusers who remain protected by the system and by colleagues.”

MPs heard evidence from the Musicians’ Union, heads of music festivals and record companies, during the misogyny in music inquiry.

The report concluded: “Women in the music industry have had their lives ruined and their careers destroyed by men who have never faced the consequenc­es for their actions.

“Much of the evidence we received has had to remain confidenti­al, including household names. That is highly regrettabl­e but demonstrat­es the extent of the use of NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and the culture of silence.

“The music industry has always prided itself on being a vehicle for social change; when it comes to discrimina­tion, and the harassment and sexual abuse of women, it has a lot of work to do.”

The committee asked ministers to stop NDAs being used in cases of sexual abuse, harassment, misconduct or bullying as victims are often “threatened into silence”.

It also recommende­d that suspension of existing NDAs should be looked at along with licensing requiremen­ts for studios, venues, managers of artists and security staff.

Chairwoman of the Women and Equalities Committee Caroline Nokes MP said: “Women’s creative and career potential should not have limits placed upon it by endemic misogyny which has persisted for far too long within the music industry.

“A shift in the behaviour of men — and it is almost always men – at the heart of the music industry is the transforma­tive change needed for talented women to quite literally have their voices heard and be both recognised and rewarded on equal terms.”

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