Yorkshire Post

400 sign petition for more talks over fate of dementia care homes


A DECISION on the future of Kirklees’ dementia care homes is looming but campaigner­s are demanding further debate.

Consultati­on on the council’s plans to close Castle Grange at Newsome and Claremont House at Heckmondwi­ke came to a close at the start of the month.

The plans emerged as a result of the local authority needing to make a £47m saving to balance its budget.

A final decision is due to be made by cabinet next month. However, campaigner­s, many of whom have loved ones living in the homes, are not content with it being made “behind closed doors” and want the responsibi­lity to sit with all 69 members of the council instead.

Sara Blagbrough, whose mother lives at Castle Grange, launched a petition demanding the issue be debated and decided by the whole of the council. It has been signed by almost 400 people in less than a week.

Coun Joshua Sheard (Con, Birstall and Birkenshaw), who has been a vocal critic of the proposed home closures, said: “The situation facing Kirklees is unpreceden­ted and local people are facing the brunt of it.

"Together, last year we united as one and fought hard to save our leisure centres and were successful.

“After a long hard-fought campaign by local communitie­s, the cabinet was forced to change its decision to close some of our sports facilities. We showed that rallying together makes a real impact.

“Kirklees’ financial situation has not got better and families still face a wave of closures. Kirklees’ last two remaining dementia care homes are at risk. The cabinet in charge of Kirklees are proposing to close down the remaining homes and sell off the land in an attempt to balance their books.

“The closure of the two care homes will have a huge detrimenta­l impact on the residents and their families.

“Over the last couple of months, I have spoken to people who have family members living in the two homes and listened to their stories and the impact this decision will have on them. It is heartbreak­ing.

“A decision like this that will impact so many lives across multiple wards in Kirklees needs to be given the utmost attention and a debate at a full council session is needed so every councillor can address the issue and vote on the decision instead of the cabinet just being left to decide.”

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