Yorkshire Post

Scotsman fears


They compile statistics on the increases in insurance claims related to severe weather events and, just as the scientists predicted, those are getting more frequent.

For individual­s, premiums go up and we’re being warned that some risks will become uninsurabl­e as is already starting to happen in certain regions.

But this is the tip of the iceberg because many of those impacted by increasing climate-related risks aren’t protected.

Food production is also hit, with olive crop yields down 40 per cent due to drought in Spain for two consecutiv­e years and vegetables ruined by floods in the UK.

The bottom line of all this is shortages, delays and inflation – caused by our collective actions.

Whilst the insurance industry has woken up and, no doubt will protect itself, it seems most economists are not taking climate change seriously.

The economist Kate Raworth’s concept of ‘Doughnut Economics’ is an excellent place to start.

Instead of blindly pursuing economic growth (as both main UK parties seem determined to do), we need a sustainabl­e global economy which exists within the ‘doughnut’, meeting the needs of all human beings within the constraint­s of the living planet.

Isn’t it time that the economists and politician­s rose to the challenge of enabling us to live within the sustainabl­e resources of the planet?

Colin S Moore, Hamilton Drive, York.

Iamsureall Yorkshire Post readers will want to see Flying Scotsman touring Britain once again so the news that the maintenanc­e contract is to end will cause much concern.

There was once a simple solution. The National Railway Museum had their own large and wellequipp­ed workshop that could have handled Scotsman’s care.

From a viewing gallery visitors saw proper heritage steam maintenanc­e in action. It was a popular attraction for visitors, now much missed.

What a tragedy that the National Railway Museum dismantled that well-equipped workshop and replaced it with the anodyne Wonderlab.

I ask if those who are supposed to care for our railway heritage really do care?

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