Yorkshire Post

Indecent exposure review to take place in wake of Couzens inquiry


A Government review into the way indecent exposure cases have been dealt with will be carried out following an inquiry into the murder of York woman Sarah Everard by Wayne Couzens.

The Home Office said it would also commission research on indecent exposure and re-offending after the Government accepted all recommenda­tions made by the Angiolini inquiry.

The first part of the inquiry, which was published last month, investigat­ed how serving Metropolit­an Police officer Couzens was able to abduct, rape and murder Ms Everard, and whether any “red flags were missed” earlier in his career.

It found his history of alleged sexual offending went back nearly 20 years before he committed murder, including a series of incidents where he was accused of flashing.

Alongside calling for an overhaul of police vetting and recruitmen­t, the inquiry recommende­d a fundamenta­l review of the way indecent exposure is treated within the criminal justice system, and research to establish if there is an evidence-based link between indecent exposure and subsequent contact offending.

It also recommende­d launching a public awareness campaign to emphasise indecent exposure and sending unsolicite­d photograph­s of genitals amounts to a criminal offence, and to boost victims’ confidence to report such crimes.

The work will be carried out across the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, College of Policing and National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

The NPCC and College of Policing have also committed to addressing the remaining recommenda­tions in the inquiry around police culture and more robustness in police vetting.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said: “Sarah’s murder was sickening and, tragically, avoidable. She was fundamenta­lly failed by the institutio­ns which were meant to keep her safe. Since her death, huge strides have already been taken to root out officers not fit to wear the badge and bolster safeguards to prevent the wrong people joining the force.

“Now we will work with policing partners to understand the link between indecent exposure and an escalation in behaviour to ensure the right measures are in place to catch more criminals, earlier.”

Lady Elish Angiolini KC, chairwoman of the inquiry, said: “In accepting all my recommenda­tions, Government and policing have shown they recognise the need for change and are committed to doing everything they can to ensure that there isn’t another Wayne Couzens operating in plain sight.

"I trust that work to implement the recommenda­tions will begin without delay and I look forward to progress updates from those responsibl­e.”

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