Yorkshire Post

Bold path to being a better lawyer

- Katherine Beckett

IBELIEVE that any lawyer can build a profitable first-class legal practice that creates time freedom and career flexibilit­y while providing an excellent service for clients. Once the lawyer knows what their ideal law firm looks like, they can create a personal blueprint, apply the Pillars of Legal Practice and create a robust law-based business that brings profession­al fulfilment and financial stability.

As a lawyer for over 20 years that has always tried to swim upstream, I can attest first hand to the headache, heartache and sense of frustratio­n that a legal career can bring. I can also bear witness to the freedom and sense of optimism that building a successful law firm generates, both as a profession­al and as a team leader.

Each individual lawyer is a microcosm of the law firm. Every fee-earner is running their own practice and to be successful, it needs to align with the business philosophy of the firm. For this to work, the senior leadership team must be completely congruent on its ethos. This is not a marketing exercise that can be outsourced. It must be raw and accurate and based in reality, not aspiration.

It also needs to be communicat­ed to every member of the team regularly, repeatedly and consistent­ly.

Within the overall framework, each lawyer must have room to design their own practice – who they serve, how they do it, when they work, where they work – in order to meet the requiremen­ts of the senior management team. There must be open-mindedness and flexibilit­y in this; not an invitation to anarchy, but certainly a tolerance for new ideas.

Then every lawyer must apply the Pillars of Legal Practice. They must be willing to be visible, efficient, expert and bold in order to make their practice design a reality.

To be visible, they must make themselves known to their ideal clients, both current and potential. They must create their own reputation­s.

Efficiency means doing the right thing in the right way at the right time. To be a successful lawyer, it is essential to be profitable and safe. This requires a systematic approach and a deep tolerance for organisati­on and routine.

Expertise cannot be assumed, it is intentiona­lly developed and honed. One cannot be a first-class lawyer without creating a niche. This does not have to be an area of law necessaril­y – but all exceptiona­l lawyers are regarded as specialist­s in some way.

To be bold is not something we are taught in law school. This is the aspect of practice that most profession­als overlook, incorrectl­y assuming that their results will carry them to career success. But boldness is a muscle that needs to be exercised, strengthen­ed and developed. Boldness means taking our heads out of our files, making the pitches, approachin­g the dream clients, accepting the speaking opportunit­ies and applying to the positions that will elevate. To be a key player in the profession, a first-class lawyer must be willing to be bold in making their dream legal practice a reality, to take the career enhancing actions that scare and exhilarate.

It is my assertion that, starting from exactly where they are, any lawyer can build a profitable first class legal practice that is perfectly suited to their own unique circumstan­ces, talents and preference­s, which provides an exceptiona­l service to clients and positively contribute­s to the evolution of the profession.

Katherine Beckett is a practising lawyer and best-selling author of The Notary Solution.

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