Yorkshire Post

Historic city mill faces bulldozer to make way for 75 retirement flats


PLANS to flatten a Bradford mill and build retirement apartments and housing in its place have been approved.

Anchor Housing revealed plans to develop the Ashfield Mills site on Leeds Road in Idle last year.

The prominent mill complex is made up of a former ambulance station and the 19th century mill building, which has recently been home to a number of light industrial businesses.

The proposed developmen­t will see any remaining businesses relocated and the mill demolished.

It will then be replaced by a building made up of 75 retirement flats, with six houses also constructe­d on the same site.

Anchor, which has an office in Bradford city centre, had said: “The scheme will provide 81 muchneeded, good quality and affordable housing options within a forward-thinking developmen­t with sustainabi­lity at its core.”

The applicatio­n has now been approved by Bradford Council.

Approval to build housing on the site had been granted in 2017 – but that proposal never came to fruition.

There had been two letters of support for the new plans, with one pointing out that the mill looked dated and another saying it would provide much-needed affordable housing for people looking to retire and downsize.

There had also been two objections, raising concerns over traffic and the impact of the demolition work.

Approving the developmen­t, planning officers said: “The apartments are aimed at the retirement market where the demand is for smaller units through people downsizing.

“Whilst the proposed building is quite high, it would cover a far smaller proportion of the site than the existing complex of buildings.

“The single coherent design would create a far higher quality and tidier feel to the site with enhanced views from adjacent properties and public space.

"The houses proposed for the northern part of the site would sit well in the wider context creating more attractive views than the existing mix of industrial buildings.”

“The applicant is England’s largest national registered provider of affordable older person’s accommodat­ion as well as being the largest not-for-profit provider of accommodat­ion and care services for older people.”

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