Yorkshire Post

Military misstep now will have dire consequenc­es


FOOTAGE of the 300-strong swarm of explosive drones, cruise and ballistic missiles all destined for Israeli targets, fired by Iran in retaliatio­n for a previous attack it attributes to Israeli forces, will send a shiver down the spine of Western leaders.

The scenes during the night could hardly have been more apocalypti­c, smoke trails left by blazing projectile­s that were primed with ordnance destined for a range of intended targets.

That just a handful of them managed to breach Israeli defences will to some be celebrated as a strategic win for Israel’s defence systems, but making a case for success of any sorts in this situation, barring preventing harm and loss of life, is difficult.

From a British perspectiv­e, that this country’s RAF Typhoons and their pilots, dispatched to assist in defending Israel, returned home having come to no harm on Saturday night is a blessing.

Yet, from the moment those jets returned safely to their Cypriot base, having shot down munitions enroute to wreak havoc, thoughts immediatel­y turned to concerns about what happens next.

Already diplomats, politician­s, military leaders and intelligen­ce agencies will be analysing the detail, seeking to understand precisely the intent of Iranian leaders; was this attack for the cameras, grist to its propaganda mill or was it something else?

Iran is more than well aware of the air defence systems available to Israel; it is also a well-equipped military power with the capability to wage war on most. This has led experts to surmise the messaging on this occasion was the objective. A shot across the bow on the one hand, and an apparent retaliatio­n on the other.

The key, now, is: what happens next? Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has no margin for error – a misstep now will have dire ramificati­ons for Israel and all of its allies. Diplomacy must prevail.

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