Yorkshire Post

On thin ice


From: David Boyes, Spennithor­ne, Leyburn.

In reference to the letter from John Cole of Baildon (April 11) who is at odds with his MP, Philip Davies.

I fear I may write to your newspaper too often, so I will make it short, but when I read the letters page, I frequently feel a letter coming on as I digest some of the content.

This time, it is yet another letter from a disgruntle­d Remainer who can’t let it be. The Conservati­ve MP Philip Davies gets it in the neck for supporting Brexit and toeing the party line on the recent Immigratio­n Bill.

I sympathise with Mr Cole regarding the latter, but it is Mr Davies’s prerogativ­e to do as he wishes as it is your prerogativ­e to want to join the EU and see the Labour Party in power after the next election.

Then we have the usual misleading statement that so-called experts believe leaving the EU was a huge mistake, and the evidence is there for all to see.

It seems these experts comprise the Archbishop of Canterberr­y and High Court judges who should stick to religious matters and court judgements, respective­ly, and not interfere with political decisionma­king.

He also mentions Ken Clarke, a committed lifelong Europhile expert on hyperbole.

So, Mr Cole is on thin ice unless he can come up with more convincing evidence for all to see. In addition to so-called experts, he then implies so-called illegal migrants are legitimate.

May I suggest the so-called illegal migrants who cross the Channel in small boats are indeed unlawful and should be prevented from coming and deported if they do.

While I respect Anna Dixon as a candidate, I wish Mr Davies every success at the forthcomin­g election.

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