Yorkshire Post

Clouds and rain mean many feel April chill


GREY skies and rain mean April has felt unusually cold, the Met Office said.

April has been a “month of two halves”, with a warm fortnight followed by chillier weather – meaning that the average temperatur­e for the month remains above the norm, according to forecaster­s.

Despite this, a lack of sunshine and persistent rain may have contribute­d to it feeling colder than expected for springtime, the Met Office has suggested.

Forecaster­s expect warmer temperatur­es to return from Wednesday, with south-east England set to enjoy highs of up to around 20C.

So far this month, the maximum temperatur­e recorded was 21.8C in Writtle, Essex, and a low of minus 6.3C in Shap, Cumbria – with a UK-wide average of 8.4C, according to the Met Office.

Data from the forecaster shows that the UK has seen an average of 99mm of rainfall in April so far, which is 27 per cent higher than usual for the month.

Amy Bokota, senior meteorolog­ist at the Met Office, said: “It’s been a month of two halves where it’s been quite warm for the first half, and then quite cool up until now, and then it’s expecting to warm back up again.

“So on the whole, it’ll probably be on the warmer side of average.”

She continued: “It’s definitely wetter than average for the UK as a whole, so there you’re going to be seeing rain and grey skies and a lot of places have been quite dull so far for the time of year.”

When asked why people may feel it’s been colder than expected for springtime, despite temperatur­es suggesting otherwise, Ms Bokota replied: “The last couple of weeks has just been quite cooler than average.

“It’s been quite a dull month – duller than it should be on average – so there’s been less sunshine around, so that kind of impacts what people feel with the weather as well.”

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