Yorkshire Post

Trump likely to remember Labour attacks


MK O’Sullivan, Allerton Bywater, Castleford.

Paul Andrews (The Yorkshire Post, April 23) makes it clear what he thinks of Donald Trump, as is his right to do so.

When he stops to think, will it cross his mind that as an outsider and non-voter his views count for nothing? Many here sharing his views seem to forget this fact.

I have family and friends in the US and they have been and still are Trump loyalists, and when I asked what they think of outsiders pontificat­ing on Donald Trump, the answer is – to quote Congresswo­man Marjorie Taylor Greene’s short two-word response not long ago to a question from Emily Maitlis – brief and to the point.

If we want unbiased and neutral coverage on the US election, it is hard to find, on one side the BBC, Sky TV News, Guardian, Daily Mirror, on the other flank the Daily Telegraph, Mail, Express and Sun, all anti-Biden.

For the Daily Telegraph Biden is just one target of venom and bile, the EU and Ireland and the Irish others. The Telegraph long ago decided that Biden does not merit a second term, but has yet to show how to stop such.

Sky News now has a regular item at 9pm on foreign issues. Recently, a mention of abortion and Arizona showed quickly where the presenter’s views lay, not pro-Republican.

Not long ago we saw how Sky News presenter Kay Burley looks at the US election. She was talking to the lady ambassador from the US and could not wait to seek an adverse comment on Donald Trump, she failed.

If Labour win the election, next January they might well have the prospect of dealing with a second term of Donald Trump, so fewer personal attacks on him by Labour politician­s might be a good idea. Donald Trump holds grudges and remembers.

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