Yorkshire Post

IDF morality in question over child deaths


MK O’Sullivan, Allerton Bywater.

Many among us will have been saddened and angered at the death of Sabreen Jouda in Gaza, taken from the womb of her dying mother, a victim of Israeli Defence Forces bombing. Her parents and sister too were killed. Sabreen died after a couple of days in an incubator.

This reminded me of what happened to another Palestinia­n child, six-year-old Hind Rajab, a sickening event.

In January, Hind and family members were in a car trying to flee the advancing Israeli Defence Forces when a tank fired on them, killing her aunt and uncle and cousins.

Hind called the Palestinia­n Red Crescent, to say that her parents and family members had been killed, then the line went dead.

A Red Crescent dispatcher called back and spoke to Hind, the child was terrified, begging for someone to come for her. The dispatcher told her that someone would come for her and an ambulance was sent. The ambulance was fired on and two paramedics killed, then the IDF killed Hind.

The Israeli government at first said there were no Israeli forces there, lying. The opposite was shown to be the case.

Forensic and ballistics experts said that IDF forces were near the car and it was a US made round that killed the child and paramedics, then silence from the IDF and Israeli government.

I wonder if the IDF tank crew which killed Hind and family members were from the Netzah Yehuda battalion, in which ultra Orthodox Jews serve and have come in for criticism from America for brutal actions.

The Americans are/were considerin­g taking action on the battalion. Does killing a six-year-old count as a battle honour in the IDF?

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