Yorkshire Post

Palliative care bodies in funding model call


LEADERS from a number of endof-life charities have joined forces to demand a new funding model for palliative care from the next government to ensure the sector is able to keep up with demand.

The chief executives of Hospice UK, Marie Curie, National Bereavemen­t Alliance, Sue Ryder and Together for Short Lives have written to the leaders of political parties and warned that too many people are dying in avoidable pain, with their families “left stressed, exhausted and traumatise­d”.

The organisati­ons estimate that about 32,000 more people could benefit from palliative care in 2029 compared to 2024.

Matthew Reed, chief executive Marie Curie, said: “Dying people do not have time to wait, the next government must prioritise fully funding end-of-life care.

“Too many people are dying in avoidable pain, frightened and without the dignity they deserve. Families are left stressed, exhausted and traumatise­d.

“Death and dying is inevitable but getting it wrong at the end isn’t. If the next government fails to address the chaotic approach to endof-life care, that failure will affect us all.”

The letter calls on the next government “to recognise palliative and end-of-life care as a vital part of our health and social care systems” and urges party leaders to “commit in your plans for government to making the reforms necessary to ensure that everyone receives the best possible care and support at the end of life and through bereavemen­t”.

“The imperative

for making these changes is practical as well as moral,” the charities wrote.

“The demand for palliative and end-of-life care is rising fast as our adult population ages and more children, young people and adults live longer with multiple complex health conditions.”

As well as more funding, the letter also suggests the developmen­t of an end-of-life care delivery plan for every nation in the UK, as well as more personalis­ed care for patients, more support for families and carers, and an end to inequaliti­es.

Toby Porter, chief executive of Hospice UK, warned that the “next few years are critical for end-of-life care”.

“We know that many people do not get the palliative care they need at the end of their lives, and we know that our ageing population means demand for care will continue to grow over the next decades.

“Hospices are ready to meet this challenge, but they need a new funding model and support from the next government to ensure they can continue to provide their brilliant care for everyone who needs it, whenever they need it.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokespers­on said: “We want everyone to have access to the high-quality, personalis­ed palliative care that can make all the difference at such a difficult time.

“That’s why we require all local NHS integrated care boards to commission palliative and end-oflife care services to meet their patients’ needs.

“The majority of palliative and end of life care is provided via GPs, hospitals, and community health services – however we recognise the incredibly valuable role the charity sector plays in providing hospice care and supporting loved ones.”

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