Yorkshire Post

Chronic lung disease patients in more deprived areas ‘are more likely to die’


CHRONIC lung disease patients who live in deprived areas or further away from clinics are more likely to die compared with wealthier people who live closer, a study suggests.

Experts warned the findings highlight “an alarming disparity” that “demands urgent attention”.

The study, led by the University of East Anglia (UEA), analysed data from 2,359 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which causes the lungs to become scarred and makes breathing increasing­ly difficult.

Researcher­s found the risk of death among the most deprived patients was 36 per cent higher compared with the least deprived.

When factors such as smoking, gender, age and distance to hospital were considered, the risk of death was still 39 per cent. Patients who lived further away from respirator­y clinics also had a worse survival rate. There was a 34 per cent increased risk of death among patients living furthest away compared with those living closest. When other factors were considered, the risk of death was still 29 per cent.

Professor Andrew Wilson, of UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: “This is the first time that social deprivatio­n and travelling distance to hospital has been linked to survival for people with pulmonary fibrosis living in the UK.

“People planning hospital services for people for pulmonary fibrosis should consider those living far from hospitals and those from poorer background­s to make sure these people get the care they need.”

The study also found that 40 per cent of patients had symptoms for more than two years before being seen in a specialist clinic.

It is estimated that about 5,000 people are diagnosed with IPF each year in the UK. According to the NHS, the reasons for the condition are unclear, although it has been linked to exposure to certain types of dust, viral infections and smoking.

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